Monday, January 21, 2008

Chemring acquires Richmond EEI

Chemring Group has acquired EOD and IEDD specialist Richmond EEI Limited. "Richmond is a world leader in light-weight, long-range, recoilless disrupters – vital for safely neutralising unexploded ordnance and IEDs, whilst minimising the risk of collateral damage. ...

Richmond’s Search products include non-linear junction detectors, selective metal detectors and electronic stethoscopes. Portable wireless X-ray and video inspection kits provide the operator real time visual information to conduct a detailed assess of a device from a safe distance. Richmond’s core neutralisation products are its range of recoilless disrupters, which are stand mounted or carried by a remotely operated vehicle using Richmond’s proprietary weapon carriers. Its recoilless disruptors use a patented counter-piston design which fires a mass of water backwards at the same time as the main projectile or jet is fired. This means that disruptors can be fitted to even small robots, transforming their capability from reconnaissance to neutralisation.

Richmond also offers a wide range of ancillary and support equipment such as long arm remote manipulators, attenuators and suppression devices; freeze neutralising kits and personnel protective clothing. In addition it supplies specialised non-magnetic tools, cutting equipment – and even a rocket propelled wrench for extracting fuzes from unexploded ordnance."

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