Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hillier resignation update

Update: General Hillier's statement to the Canadian Forces.

CBC Radio has just announced the resignation of Canadian Chief of Defence Staff, General Rick Hillier.

Hillier assumed his position in February, 2005. He has not always popular with his political overlords. However, General Hillier may have been the most respected CDS in a generation. As recently as last week he had given no direct indication as to his plans although he firmly rejected a future in politics.

Back in December we wrote:

"Sitting in the background are two officers who could replace the "Big Cod". On one hand there is Air Force Commander Lt.-Gen. Angus Watt. On the other the Army's Lt.-General Andrew Leslie. Both are sharp although Leslie was "born" for the job and has had more media experience."

Now added to this list is
Lt.-Gen. Walter Natynczyk, the Vice-Chief of Defence Staff (VCDS). Natynczyk has extensive and varied experience to bring to the job.

One little known fact is his very interesting military exchange experience. On exchange you are subject to the regs of the nation you are serving with, after all you are there to learn. After time at the U.S. War College
Natynczyk became Deputy Commanding General, III Corps and Fort Hood. Soon American foreign policy was focusing on Sadam. This meant that in early 2004, he deployed with III Corps to Baghdad, Iraq. There he served as the Deputy Director of Strategy, Policy and Plans and later as the Deputy Commanding General of the Multi-National Corps (Iraq). Obviously Natynczyk has international respect as a soldier.

Hillier's resignation is to be effective July 1st, Canada Day.

Sources: As cited or linked.
Photo: DND

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