Thursday, April 10, 2008

Future robots without a robotics industry?

Popular Mechanics has a good article out on robots and their future. One interesting quote is from iRobot's CEO Colin Angle. He was speaking at the RoboBusiness Conference and said, quite rightly, “Are we sure we’re not just an adjunct to another industry?”

Also covered in the piece is the quiet retreat from Iraq of the armed SWORDS robot. This Talon product was designed to carry 240, 249 or 50-caliber machine guns, the M202 –A1 with a 6mm rocket launcher or the ubiquitous M16. It seems there were technical issues.

Update April 15: Sharon Weinberger, at Danger Room, has an update on "the quiet retreat".

Update April 16: Popular Mechanics clarification.

Sources: Popular Mechanics and DoD
Photo: U.S. Army

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